The Conversion Rejection Threshold Filter blocks Clicks on SubID Level once the Conversion Rejection percentage has been exceeded.
Example: a SubID with 300 Conversions and 80% being rejected for Duplicate IPs or VPNs results in the SubIDs. The related Clicks will be blocked and not forwarded to the advertiser.
Filter Options
Maximum Rejection Percentage:
- The maximum allowed percentage of rejected conversions in the set time frame.
Minimum Conversions:
- To avoid false positives and not to block SubID prematurely we require a minimum Threshold. The larger the minimum value the more accurate the block will be. However, placing too large value for minimums can result in not activating the filter trigger.
Lookback Time:
- This is the time that is considered for the filter to be applied. As in the example below we would require at least 30 conversions within the last 12 hours for this filter to activate.