Integr8 tracking platform offers the possibility to send Postbacks to third party systems as well.
When you integrate conversion screening, the system allows you to set and fire an affiliate postback based on conversion status (approved, rejected or both) and/or based on the specific rejection reason as well.
The settings are user-friendly and will allow you to apply the postback on any offer and/or publisher OR on specific offers and/or publishers only. Start the setup with the next steps:
- Select the postback type to create
- Assign a Name for the postback
- Select to apply the postback on specific offer and publisher or apply on all by turning on the switch to Any
URL mapping
The different postback types (click, impression, conversion and event) can be mapped with a wide range of parameters as well, including “status” and “rejection reason”, external_transaction_id, etc. The affiliate postback must include his unique converson id (e.g. clickid) generated with the tracking link.
Example: If the tracking link was generated using &external_transaction_id=AFFILI_CLICKID parameter, then the postback format will be set as:{external_transaction_id} Additional parameters can be added as needed using the Add MACROS field
Firing Status
There are 3 options for firing the postback:
- for any conversion
- for approved conversions only (recommended)
- for rejected conversion only
Fire by Selective Rejected Reasons
The affiliate postback an fi set to fire for rejjected conversions witha specific rejection reason only. For example, the postback is set to fire on Any Fraud Status so in this case it will fire both Approved and Rejected conversions. However, in the case of rejected conversions, the system can onli fire conversions rejected for a specific reason and not fire for all other rejected convesions that are flagged witha different from the reason/s selected.
Example: - Postback Fraud Status: Any - Rejected Conversion Reason: VPN Proxy
In this case, the affiliate postback will fire for all approved conversions and for the conversions rejected as VPN Proxy only.
Postback Delay
There is also the possibility to set a delay for firing the postback while waiting for a response for fraud-check from a third party platform (Appsflyer, Internal checks, etc):
- The delay can be set as a specific number of seconds, minutes or hours with a minimum default time of 2 minutes.