Offer Revenue and Payout can be set on offer level by navigating to Conversion TAB in Offer settings. For Events Revenue and Payout, create the Event first in the same section. However, it is also possible to define Custom Payout on Publisher level for any offer.
Global Revenue and Payout
- Go to Offers menu
- Select and offer and click on Revenue & Payouts TAB
- Edit “Conversion” global revenue and payout
- Create and/or edit post conversion events
- Optionally, turn On the option to Allow Duplicate Conversions and/or Events (it allows multiple conversions and events with the same ID)
Custom Publisher Payout
- Go to Publishers menu
- Select a Publisher and click on Custom Payouts TAB
- Click + Create and define the options for Offer, Event Type, Payout Type and Value
- Click Save to apply the new settings